Working on Time Management...... |
I'm finally getting into the swing of things here at Coe, after having completed my first couple weeks of classes! I am taking four classes, and so far my favorite class is definitely my FYS (First Year Seminar) course with Professor Hayes. I am interested in my FYS class because we are learning about sustainability, which I think is something that we all should care about. One of my first assignments was to take an inventory of everything I brought to college, which made me realize that lots of things I use on a daily basis aren't that great for the environment. (It also made me realize that bringing 60 t-shirts might have been a little bit of overkill!) So far everyone here at Coe has been really awesome with helping me adjust from the high school to the college workload. It is definitely different in college; there is much more homework, but, at a small school like Coe, they do everything they can to help you stay comfortable and focused. A little over a month ago, I never thought I'd be in a completely new place, with a completely new group of friends, managing to balance running 70 miles a week, working 8 hours a week for my work-study job, working another 6 hours a week in the Writing Center, taking 4 full classes, and doing endless amounts of homework, while still finding time to eat and sleep. Thanks to all of the amazing new friends and professors I've met, and some short nap breaks (see picture), college is definitely manageable and a ton of fun! Keep reading! Until the next adventure......Ryan Rey
P.S. - I'm still waiting for some emails with questions about life at Coe!
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