My Brother Gordon beginning his own adventure as a Kohawk |
Wow! Time really does fly! It seems like just a year ago that I was just coming to Coe, and getting to participate in all of the activities during orientation week! In my opinion, orientation week was one of the best weeks of my first year at Coe, so of course I jumped at the opportuninty to get to help with it as a sophmore. As a volunteer, I did alot of little things like serve ice cream, and set up chairs, but I also got to do some awesome things like attend all of the events and drive a golf cart around campus!(I only crashed once). It was also awesome getting to know the brand new class of freshman, including my brother, and watch them all begin their journey. I will never forget ringing the victory bell for that first time, and it was an even better feeling to get to watch my younger brother wait in that line to ring it as well. It was also great watching all of the freshman compete in the dragon boat races at Palo the next day. I am super excited for this next full year of school, and look forward to not only excelling academically, but also building relationships with new teachers, students and teammates that will last forever. There really is no place like Coe.
Until The Next Adventure,
A Team of Freshman getting ready for their Dragonboat race! |
Ryan Rey
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