This past week was our last full week of classes, followed by the busiest weekend of the semester. There was a lot of Fraternity, as we had our initiation Friday our, elections on Saturday, and our big event of the semester on Sunday. Also this weekend was a huge one for both Cross Country and Track. Saturday morning we had our intersquad track meet, and Sunday we had our Cross Country banquet. Also this weekend there was a midnight movie for Coe students, and a blindspot. It seems like between that and studying for finals, there was absolutely no free time!!!
After classes on Friday as a fraternity we all went out and braved the cold, and I am proud to announce that we officially have ten new initiates! I know that I will continue to get to know each and everyone of them. We returned to Coe right at about ten, just in time to go watch our all school talent show, Blindspot, and then drive to the Movie theater. About once a month, Coe sponsors a late night movie, where they pay for students to go see a movie, all you have to do is get to the theater. The movie we saw was the new Hunger Games, and it was AMAZING!! If you haven't seen it, stop reading this blog get in your car, and go see it! The only problem with the movie was that it was a little long, and we didn't get back to Coe until about three am!!
Hanging out at the Meet |
The next morning was an early one, we started our intersquad meet at 930. It was my first event as a part of this years track team, and it was great to see so many new faces. We have a very young team, with some outstanding senior leaders. The meet lasted until about 1, then we all stuffed our faces with some pizza. (Who says runners can't be bad eaters??) After the meet, a few of us went straight to our Phi Tau Elections, where I was lucky enough to be named the Vice President. I look forward to helping our organization grow for the next year and a half! After elections, I took advantage of some much needed free time, and began studying for my finals!
Best Fraternity I could ever ask for |
The next morning was an even earlier one, we had our annual Lumberjack Fest on campus. Lumberjack fest is an event where we cook hundreds of pancakes, wear lots of flannel, raise money for charity and have a giant get together. My favorite part about Coe is how supportive everyone is. Even though it was the Sunday before finals, tons of people came out and supported us! Unfortunately, the cross country team had to leave Lumberjack Fest a little early, to get to our banquet. We walked over in our flannels, and had one last meeting as a full team. We celebrated our successes, and enjoyed spending time together. I will never forget this team!
That is alot of Flannel! |
Until the Next Adventure, Ryan Rey
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